Study Skills
Helping Your Middle Schooler Get Organized
- Choose a regular time and place for studying. Help your child decide when and where they are most productive.
- Encourage your child to make daily to-do lists. They are great reminders, and it feels good to cross off finished tasks.
- Teach your child to break large tasks into smaller parts. For example, if they have a book report due in two weeks, list steps to take to complete it. Include a due date for each one.
- Have your child clean out their back pack at least once a week. If they do this over the weekend, your child will start each week organized.
- Use routines throughout the day. For example, your child might brush their teeth, choose clothes for each day, and pack their backpack before bed.
- Set a good example. If you're organized, your child is more likely to be more organized, too.
SOURCE: Charlene C. Giannetti and Margaret Sagarese, The Roller Coaster Years, 1997, Broadway Books.