School Counselors

Mission Statement
The mission of the School District of Haverford Township school counseling program is
to provide a comprehensive developmental K-12 program designed to meet the
academic, career, personal, and social-emotional needs of all students. School
counselors strengthen our school community by advocating for and promoting an
inclusive and safe learning environment and supporting the school district’s strategic
goals of social-emotional wellness, diversity and inclusion, and preparing contemporary
citizens. In partnership with other educators, students and their families, local
businesses and agencies, and post-secondary institutions, Haverford’s school
counselors are committed to providing equity and access for all students to equip them
with the skills necessary to become productive, responsible members of a diverse
global society.

Our Role
At the middle school, our counseling department consists of a team of professionals
including three rotating counselors, one support counselor, a home & school visitor, and
Lakeside Counselors. Each student is assigned a school counselor who will remain with
them until they finish 8th grade and transition to high school. This approach allows for
the development of strong, long-lasting relationships between the students and their
counselors. Our dedicated team works collaboratively with administrators, teachers,
families, and the community to ensure the success of every student at HMS.

Our team plays a crucial role in promoting social-emotional wellness and supporting
students' overall well-being. We offer a range of services designed to address diverse
needs, including but not limited to:

● Individual short-term counseling
● Wellness Days
● Student Assistance Program (SAP) Services
● Serve as case managers for 504 Agreements
● Serve as liaisons to educational teams
● Help connect students with essential outside services.

By integrating these elements, we ensure a holistic approach to each student's
emotional and academic growth, fostering a supportive and resilient learning
environment. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns about
your child's journey at our school!

HMS Counselor Rotation
School Year 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
6th Grade Mrs. Lindsey Hughes
Ext. 5562
Mrs. Colleen Malczynski Mrs. Ricki Lacy
7th Grade Mrs. Ricki Lacy
Ext. 5572
Mrs. Lindsey Hughes Mrs. Colleen Malczynski
8th Grade

Mrs. Colleen Malczynski
Ext. 5582

Mrs. Ricki Lacy Mrs. Lindsey Hughes

6-8 Gr.

Mrs. Katie Mertens
Ext. 5167
Mrs. Katie Mertens Mrs. Katie Mertens    

Mrs. Nancy Naylor
6th Grade Developmental Guidance Teacher
ext. 5241
The 6th-grade Guidance teacher conducts weekly social-emotional wellness lessons specifically for 6th
graders, continuing the SEL curriculum from elementary school. These lessons focus on teaching coping
skills, empathy, and a growth mindset, all aimed at enhancing students' overall wellness and mental

Mrs. Joellen Corrocher
Home and School Visitor

ext. 5552
A Home and School Visitor (HSV) is a licensed and certified professional who is an additional support to
students and families. Home and school visitors provide individual student and/or family interventions and
help connect students and families to community resources when needed. They provide both direct and
indirect services to help students on a behavioral and emotional level achieve a positive school
experience. Home and school visitors work closely with students and families with improving student
school attendance. Home and school visitors may conduct home visits to assist students who may be
presenting with difficulty coming to school consistently.