S.A.P. (Student Assistance Program)


SAP Referral Form

SAP is the Student Assistance Program of Haverford Middle School. It is an interdisciplinary
team of school professionals who meet regularly to identify students who are experiencing
barriers to school success, and to connect them to resources within the school, as well as to
external resources. SAP can only intervene with the permission of parents, and student and
family confidentiality is protected.

The SAP team identifies students in need of assistance through the referral process. Any
member of the school or outside community can refer a student to SAP.
Students can be
referred to SAP when they are experiencing barriers in any of four areas: attendance,
academics, health, and behavior. The area of behavior encompasses stressors, mental health
issues, and ATOD (alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs).

Potential Referral Behaviors:

● Absenteeism
● Student may be experimenting with drugs/alcohol
● Sad Affect
● Suffered Recent Loss
● Bullying or victim of bullying
● Student Withdrawn/Isolated
● Changes in eating habits
● Decreased academic performance; drop in grades
● Fighting, outbursts of anger
● Giving away personal possessions
● Neglect of personal appearance/Hygiene
● Sleeping in Class

Role of the SAP Team

SAP is not a treatment program, it seeks to help or refer students who exhibit forms of behavior
that impede their ability to succeed in school. It also provides for intervention by making referrals to appropriate agencies.

After each referral, the team gathers information on the student’s attendance, academic
performance, health, and behavior. They then decide whether SAP intervention is appropriate and which to implement. A case manger from the team contacts the parent/guardian and requests permission to proceed with the SAP process and enlists guardian support.

The team can recommend school-based services, or an assessment from the Holcomb Behavioral
Health Systems liaison to assess the student for mental health as well as drug and alcohol issues.
The liaison will assist the family in accessing appropriate services outside school, and they will
follow up with the family to insure that they receive these services.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the SAP Co-Coordinators:

Ricki Lacy
School Counselor

610-853-5900 Ext. 5572
Joellen Corrocher
Home & School Visitor


610-853-5900 Ext. 5552
Kristen Trimboli
ELA Teacher
610-853-5900 Ext. 5272