Introduction to Middle School Sports
Introduction to HMS Sports
Dear Parents:
The purpose of this manual is to introduce you to the athletic program of Haverford Middle School, as well as to orient you to the venues where your child will be competing.
At Haverford we present our athletic program as a co-curricular activity in which students can embellish their middle school experience through a program of physical fitness and competition. Our purpose is to provide our students an opportunity to participate and to learn the values of sportsmanship and fair play, as well as the rules of the game and growth through physical training. We will not assume that students will present a total knowledge of the game. We realize that the school's primary responsibility is to teach and within that parameter, we will help our students learn proper skills, proper procedures, and proper conduct when engaged in their activity. As adults, we will serve as teachers, supporters, and models.
We, at Haverford, trust that each middle school experience will be a rewarding one and hope that the lessons learned in our co-curricular program will be as fulfilling as those learned in our classrooms.
Dr. Matthew Crater, Ed.D. |
Athletic Eligibility
Dear Haverford Middle School Families,
A student is considered to be ineligible if he or she is failing at least one course. That student athlete may also be expected to attend one of HMS' support services for academic remediation or assistance. The athlete may not participate in their respective activity until his or her eligibility is restored - no failures.
Eligibility measured by:
Eligibility is measured each Friday by the athletics' department. Ineligible students will be informed by their HR teacher and their respective coach and will not participate in their respective activity beginning that following Monday through to the next Friday. A student is considered ineligible when he or she has passing grades in each of his or her assigned courses.
HMS has been the recipient of the League Citizenship award many times. Our students are expected to model this behavior on and off the field and in our middle school. Student ineligibility for citizenship purposes results when that student has violated rules outlined in the HMS student handbook, the athletics' handbook, and/or the grade level principal recommends that student to be ineligible as a result of citizenship expectations by our student athletes. Two points in a given week will result in that student being ineligible from their respective sport. Examples include: suspension, multiple detentions, poor conduct on the field (or court etc.) and/or principal request.
Student eligibility will be done in compliance with PIAA and HMS guidelines (Putting Academics First).