Flag Football
2019 Flag Football Schedule
Date |
Game |
September 11 |
1v2 |
September 12 |
3v4 |
September 17 |
5v6 |
September 18 |
3v2 |
September 19 |
1v5 |
September 23 |
6v4 |
September 25 |
2v5 |
September 26 |
3v6 |
October 2 |
1v4 |
October 3 |
6v2 |
October 4 |
5v4 |
October 9 |
1v3 |
October 10 |
4v2 |
October 11 |
1v6 |
October 16 |
5v3 |
October 17 |
Playoffs |
October 21 |
Playoffs |
October 23 |
Championship |
Games are played on the field by Lawrence Road. Students should only come when they have games.
Pickup Time is 4:25 PM.
*If it rains, dodgeball will be played in the gym in place of a flag football game. Pick-up on those days will be outside in the parking lot in the fifth grade wing.
**Four teams will make the playoffs
2019 Team Names
Team 1: Duck Destroyers |
Team 2: The Legendary Big Macs |
Team 3: Chicken Nuggets |
Team 4: Domestic Dinosaurs |
Team 5: The Great Whoppers |
Team 6: The Dancing Potatoes |