HHS Communication
HHS Communication
Please add sdht@haverfordsd.net to your email address book to be sure to receive all email communication from the High School.
The High School uses a service that can automatically send emails that go out to over 500 parents at one time.
Sometimes your email provider can perceive these mass mailings as spam. Adding our email address to your contacts is one way to "white list" our account and alert your provider that you accept emails from these sources.
Video Tutorials - How to Access PowerSchool
Bullying and Unlawful Harassment
A Facebook Guide For Parents and Students
To limit who can tag you:
1. Go to your Privacy Settings page and select Photos and videos I’m tagged in in the Things Others Share section.
2. Change the setting to Friends Only or, to completely remove the ability for others to tag you, go to Customize and select Only Me.
Example of information that all parents/users should know:
As Facebook is making it increasingly easy to tag people, users need to be increasingly mindful of how and who they tag when they are being tagged themselves