Haverford High School has selected Naviance to assist our students in post-high school planning, managing their career planning, and navigating the college application process. Family Connection is a comprehensive website that students and parents can use as a tool in post-high planning. Students and parents can:
- Research future careers - find out how much money you can make, how much schooling is required and checkout interviews with real professionals on Road Trip Nation
- Complete a Career Interest Inventory, Personality Survey and Career Assessment-receive a list of potential career areas and choices based on your interests
- Select and research colleges based on career/personality surveys
- Add prospective colleges, request transcripts and teacher letters of recommendation
- Sign up to meet with College Representatives that visit HHS
- Access the Sallie Mae Scholarship Search, create a free profile, and search for scholarships that are posted for students
- Design and prepare your resume for future employment
- Complete your Post-High School Planning Reflection and create an Activities Record to keep track of your high school accomplishments (Your teachers and counselor will use the Post-High School Planning Reflection and Activities Record as a reference when writing your letters of recommendation.)
How to Log-In
1. Go to your portal:
2. Click Sign in with Google
3. Choose your Haverford email
4. Click on the Naviance icon in your portal