School Guidelines
*Our lateness policy: when a student exhibits chronic lateness, the family and student may be required to attend an attendance improvement meeting. Examples of unexcused lateness would be oversleeping, dawdling, missing the bus, etc. Valid reasons such as a doctor's appointment, family emergency, etc. will not count against the student. When sending a late note, please include the reason for lateness.
*After 3 unexcused absences families will be invited to a truancy elimination plan meeting.
*If you are taking your child out of school before the end of the day, don't forget to use the sign-out form in the main office. Likewise, when you come into the building for a visit, please sign in at the main office.
*If your child needs to take medication during the school day, please provide the school nurse with a doctor's note, the medication, and the directions.
*To communicate with your child's teacher, please send a note with your child to that teacher, email, or call. If you need to speak with that teacher, please make an appointment. It is very difficult for a teacher to give you his/her full attention when she/he is supervising children.
*Label all your child's belongings that come to school (lunch boxes, coats, school bags, etc.). If they are lost, it will be easier to find the rightful owner. The lost and found bins are located in the cafeteria.
*The Rumor Hotline is (610) 853-5900 ext 1000. Does something puzzle or concern you? Please talk to the person closest to the situation. Help us keep inaccurate information from hurting our school.
*Please observe the NO DOGS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS regulations. If you see a violator you may call the police.
*If you have a disagreement about a stated school policy, speak to the teacher or the principal in private, NOT in the presence of your child.
*Because of insurance restrictions, non-bus students may not travel on the bus with their friends.
*Remember to check for items that your child may transport to school that would be in violation of our weapons policy.
*Please make sure that we have received your emergency early dismissal plan and the emergency information form. Please keep this information updated if there are changes throughout the school year.