Complete Forms in PowerSchool

Our families are required to complete District forms within their PowerSchool parent account. This assures that our student's health records and contact information are updated annually and as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Along with our adoption of online forms, you can utilize PowerSchool's unlimited contacts feature. This allows our families to add all the important individuals in your child's life to accommodate our diversified families. (See the SDHT Emergency Contact Card)

If you have not created a PowerSchool parent account please request the directions, which will include the access ID and Access password to link your student(s) to your account.

To complete a form

PowerSchool Student Tabs image

Note: Not all students will see every form

  • Select forms on the left navigation. Every year parents must complete all forms assigned to each of their students. 
PowerSchool Forms sidebar image
  • Be sure to select the submit button at the bottom of the form
  • Completed forms will show a green leaf and list the form as submitted. 
  • Black leaves with the listing of Empty have not been started. 
  • Yellow leaves with the reporting of Pending have been submitted. 
  • Red leaves with the reporting of Rejected will need further information before resubmitting the form. 

Completing forms on the PowerSchool App

  • You must be using version 22.12.0 or higher to upload a document. Please delete the PowerSchool app and download the latest version from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The code to reconnect to Haverford School District is DBWH
  • Select the three dots in the lower right corner of the app window
  • Select Forms
  • Complete the available forms
  • Use the down ˇ at the top right of the screen to switch between students