Technology Services

The goal of the Technology Department is to support the mission of Haverford School District to educate and to inspire a community of lifelong learners who become well-rounded global citizens. 

The Technology Department provides technical leadership and support to all students, staff, schools, and departments in planning, utilizing, and maintaining our network and information systems to best meet the instructional and administrative needs of the district. 
Our classrooms and libraries have access to interactive whiteboards, desktop computers, computer labs, laptop computer carts which access our wireless network, and projectors. Every computer in the district is networked and has a high speed connection to the Internet. 

The Technology Department provides training, expertise and full time support to each of our seven schools. We place emphasis upon teamwork and group ownership. It is through these collaborative efforts that the Technology Department supports more than 25 servers and 7000 computers throughout the district.


Getting IT Support:

Director of Technology
Robert Anderson
610-853-5900 x7215

Technology Department Secretary
Amy Hermansen
610-853-5900 x7214

Technology Staff