Library Materials

The libraries in the School District of Haverford Township play a key role in educating and inspiring a community of lifelong learners who become well-rounded global citizens. Library materials shall be selected with the needs and interests of the students and curriculum in mind. 

Our librarians use a combination of subscription services, book award lists, teacher requests, and student requests to consider various selections for our libraries. These selections are considered using criteria including but not limited to relevance to the curriculum, variety of interests, quality of material, appropriateness of language and themes, and reading levels. 

We recognize that there may be selections that raise concerns among students, parents/guardians, or members of the public. Any criticisms of materials shall be treated objectively, unemotionally, and as a routine matter. These concerns should be submitted to the principal of the school in writing on this form provided for this purpose by our school district. 

We appreciate the professionalism and care with which our librarians curate each school’s library collection. It is our goal to foster a love of reading in all students. We encourage our families to reach out to us with any concerns or questions. Thank you for your continued partnership!