Physical Education
The physical education program incorporates several content areas in a comprehensive program. Four main objectives include social interaction, active lifestyle, physical fitness, and basic sports understanding. The program utilizes age-appropriate activities that are adaptable for students in grades 6, 7, and 8.
In all health classes at the middle school, we utilize the textbook Comprehensive Health Skills for Middle School. The program utilizes age-appropriate activities that are adaptable for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. The program is aligned to the PA state standards for Health and Physical Education.
The following topics are covered in each grade:
Grade 6
Health and Wellness, Knowing How Your Body Works, Sleep, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Tobacco, Healthy Relationships, and Preventing & Responding to Violence
Grade 7
Understanding Mental and Emotional Health, Alcohol and Drugs, Promoting Safety and Preventing Injuries, Human Development
Grade 8
Medications and Drugs, Understanding and Preventing Diseases, Protecting Environmental Health, Understanding Sexuality, Making Responsible Sexual Decisions, Healthy Relationships, and Preventing & Responding to Violence