Field Trips and Medication

This letter is to inform you of the procedure regarding student medication on field trips. This procedure was adopted because the Nurse Practice Act does not permit nurses to delegate the administration of medication to non-licensed personnel (except epi-pen for severe allergic reactions).
This procedure requires that no field trip will be scheduled until the medication administration needs of a student, who parents have provided medication to the school nurse, have been met. Those needs may be met in one of three ways:
1. The student may self administer his/her medication, if permitted in writing by the child's parents and physician;
2. The student's parent /guardian may attend the trip to administer medication; or
3. A licensed RN or LPN may attend the trip.
If none of the above may be provided, the field trip will not be scheduled.
This procedure will be implemented as follows:
1. Prior to the teacher scheduling a field trip, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian of all students who have provided medication to the nurse. The teacher will also contact parents of students who do not have a written parent and physician permission to self administer their medication. Those parents/guardians will be informed of the plan to schedule the field trip and may be invited to attend to dispense medication to their child.
2. We recognize that the parents/guardians may be unable to attend all field trips. The Parent/Guardian must fill out the Field Trip Permission Form, indicating whether they will or will not be able to chaperone, and return to the teacher as soon as possible.
Procedures for self-administration are attached. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Self-administration of Medication by Students
Students may self-administer medication under adult supervision subject to the following conditions:
 1. The medication (including prescription and non-prescription medication) will be held by school staff for self-administration.
 2. All medication (including prescription and non-prescription medication) will be kept in a properly labeled container. Non-prescription medication will also be clearly labeled with the student’s name.
 3. Emergency self-administration is permitted when specifically authorized by the student’s physician and need not take place in the presence of a designated adult.
 4. All non-emergency self-administration shall take place in the presence of the nurse or when the student is out of the building during a school sponsored activity, adult designated by the principal. The principal shall designate in writing the person(s) responsible for supervising self- administration of medication and keeping the prescription log when not done in the presence of the nurse.
 5. The school nurse shall orient the person(s) designated by the principal to supervise the self-administration of medication. This orientation will include:
a. The regulations regarding self-administration.
b. A review of specific medications which are to be self-administered including side effects.
c. A detailed explanation of the task expectation.
d. Provide a medication log for documentation.
 6. School staff will observe the student's self-administration of medication. If the student is unable to meet the following criteria, a parent or guardian will      be contacted prior to permission being given for self-administration except in the event of a medical emergency.
7. The self-administration is otherwise in conformance with the District's medication policy.
8. To self-administer medication, the student must be able, to the satisfaction of the school nurse 
1. Respond to and visually recognize his/her name.
2. Identify his/her medication.
3. Measure, pour and administer the prescribed dosage.
4. Sign his/her medication log to acknowledge having taken the medication.
5. Demonstrate a cooperative attitude in all aspects of self-administration.