Health Services

The School District of Haverford Township provides a program of Coordinated School Health Services that are organized and developed in accordance with the school laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The primary purpose of School Health Services is to provide health care and services so that each student can achieve his/her maximum level of wellness.  Optimal health is essential so that each student can utilize the education opportunities fully.
The school nurse is an integral part of the professional team dedicated to aiding students in developing their full potential in health and education.  The professional school nurse provides expertise in matters of health, providing education, counseling, and nursing care to the school community.
Chatham Park Elementary:

Ashley Meves, RN, BSN
Certified School Nurse
610-853-5900 x1400

Maria Lis, BSN, RN, CCRN, CPAN
Medical Building Assistant
610-853-5900 x1470

Chestnutwold Elementary: 
Certified School Nurse
Chestnutwold: 610-853-5900 x8470
Lynnewood: 610-853-5900 x4470
Medical Building Assistant
 610-853-5900 x8470
Coopertown Elementary:
Erin Gietl CSN

Certified School Nurse

Erin Dougherty
Medical Building Assistant
610-853-5900 x3470
Lynnewood Elementary:
Certified School Nurse
Chestnutwold: 610-853-5900 x8470
Lynnewood: 610-853-5900 x4470
Mia White, BSN, RN
Medical Building Assistant 
610-853-5900 x4470
Manoa Elementary:
Kelly Belfie, RN, MSN
Certified School Nurse
Phone: 610-853-5900 x6470

Bridget Morris, LPN
Medical Building Assistant
610-853-5900 x6470
Haverford Middle School:
Nurse's Office 610-853-5900 x5470

Marianne Hooper-Capuzzi, MSN, BSN, RN, CSN
Certified School Nurse
610-853-5900 x5102

Rebecca Moscia, BSN, RN, CSN
Certified School Nurse 
610-853-5900 x5105

Kirsten Burko, BSN, RN
Medical Building Assistant
610-853-5900 x5470

Haverford High School:

Nurse's Office 610-853-5900 x2470

Mary O'Sullivan, RN, BSN, M.Ed., CSN 
Certified School Nurse
610-853-5900 x2471 

Amy Shubert, RN, BSN, M.Ed., CSN
Certified School Nurse
610-853-5900 x2470   

Michele Carpenter, LPN 
Medical Building Assistant