Community Information and Events 2023-24

Our Community Information section aims to offer parents, guardians, and residents easy access to information
about events happening. You can reach out to Anna Deacon to share your updates.
Kindly note that all flyers will be taken down by June 30th.

Spanish Exploradores - Spanish Summer Camp for ages 4-6 and 7-13. For more information Office: 484.450.6729 (call or text) or Website:

Prince Elite Field Hockey Club: July Welcome Session *All Ages When - July 22nd, Time - Youth 6pm -7pm , High School 6pm-7:30pm, Cost - $25 Youth / $40 High School, Where - Ellen Ryan Field (Saint Joseph's University)
Fall 7 Week Program *K-8th grade only, When - Tuesdays from September 3rd - October 15th, Time - 5pm-6pm , Cost - $175 for all 7 sessions, Where - Ellen Ryan Field (Saint Joseph's University), Registration is on our website
2024 Shooting Star Thanksgiving <When - Nov 29th - Dec 1 (Schedule TBC), Where - Mary B Stratton Park: Sports Fields, 5300 Ridgedale Parkway, North Chesterfield, VA 23234, Who - U14 Team , *Under-14 Age Classification: Players born after July 31, 2010, are eligible., Cost - $300 per player, Additional details: 4 practices to be held prior to tournament (Cost $180). If you are interested in signing up for our U14 Shooting Star Team please email Hannah at
Fall 7-Week Program *K-8th grade only Tuesdays from September 3rd - October 15th, 5pm-6pm $175 for all 7 sessions, Ellen Ryan Field (Saint Joseph's University),

DCTS Summer Camp: July 8-11 at Aston Campus and July 15-18 at Folcroft Campus
This camp is designed to provide students in grades 6-8 opportunities to learn about STEAM through active, project-based learning in multiple Career and Technical program areas. Campers will create STEAM based projects, which will produce a tangible result to keep at the end of each camp day. Campers will rotate through programs listed for each campus during the week. A camper can participate in one week or both weeks of camp. Projects will vary by campus and program but are sure to excite and encourage exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. For more information, please contact Ms. Shannon Matthews, DCTS Community Resource Developer, or (610)-459-3050 ext. 9234

Temple University Summer Reading Skills Program - Phonics, Fluency, Comprehension, Love of Reading, Study Skills, Reading Speed
FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER Call 1-800-903-0162 Mon.-Fri. 8am-9pm, Sat. 8am-7pm, and Sun. 10am-6pm

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Children First will be hosting a film screening How We Heal about student mental health and trauma at the DCIU on May 21st.  After the film screening, they will host a panel discussion with lived experts and youth voices to comment on the state of children’s mental health in Pennsylvania today and advocate for needed reforms.  Learn how you can advocate for reforms in your schools and communities.  Doors will open at 5 and the program will begin at 5:30pm – dinner will be provided and this event is family/kid friendly! 14-MAY-24

Event Details:

Haverford Township Free Teen Library Programs: Join the fun every weekday after school from 3-4:15 PM as we host free teen programs at the nearby Kelly Center (4 East Eagle Road, Havertown)!
Go on an adventure with our Dungeons & Dragons Club, explore your creativity in Teen Art Club, and play games at Gaming Club. Relax at Mindful Monday, make a difference in our community with Teen Reading Lounge, discover new favorite books at Tween Book Club, and earn volunteer hours by joining Teen Advisory Board. Register online to join! Questions? Email Teen Services Librarian Jennifer Appell,;

Update:  06-MAY-24

Join the fun after school every Monday-Thursday from 2:45-4:30 PM as we host free teen programs at the nearby Kelly Center (4 East Eagle Road, Havertown)! There's something for everyone. Get help with college and career prep at College & Career Readiness, and relax at Mindful Monday. Make a difference in our community with Teen Reading Lounge, discover new favorite books at Tween Book Club, and earn volunteer hours by joining Teen Advisory Board. Go on an adventure with our Dungeons & Dragons Club, and celebrate diversity at Out @ the Library. Register online to join! Questions? Email Teen Services Librarian Jennifer Appell,

  • College & Career Readiness - Biweekly every 1st and 3rd Monday @ 2:45-4:30 PM - It's never to early to prepare for your future! Get help with testing and college applications, explore new career paths, and develop essential skills!
  • Mindful Mondays - Biweekly every 2nd and 4th Monday @ 2:45-4:30 PM Start the week off with some calming mindfulness activities, sponsored by the Trent Stetler Memorial Fund.
  • Teen Reading Lounge (TRL) - Biweekly every 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 2:45-4:30 PM Teens take the lead in selecting the books we read, steering the discussions, and connect themes from the books to tangible action in their communities.
  • Teen Advisory Board (TAB) - Monthly every 2nd Tuesday @ 2:45-4:30 PM Make your voice heard! Earn volunteer hours! TAB members help design the teen library experience and develop leadership skills. 
  • Tween Book Club - Monthly every 4th Tuesday @ 2:45-4:30 PM Tweens (ages 10-13) are welcome to discuss and discover new favorite books each month!
  • Dungeons & Dragons - Weekly Wednesdays @ 2:45-4:30 PM Open to new and longtime players! Create your character, paint minis, and play one-shot and extended collaborative campaigns! 
  • Out @ the Library - Weekly Thursdays @ 2:45-4:30 PM A fun and safe space for education, creativity, and peer support for LGBTQIA+ teens and allies (students ages 12-18.) Celebrate diversity, build community, inspire conversation, and create art!
  • Location: Kelly Center, 4 E. Eagle Rd, Havertown, PA 19083

Delaware County Health Department:  FREE VACCINE CLINIC For rising 7th & 12th grade students in need of their required vaccines for school. (TDAP & MENINGITIS (MCV4) VACCINES ONLY) JUNE 8, 2024, 9:00AM - 12:00PM; 02-MAY-24

CJF Alumni Night at the St. Denis Fun Fair, Saturday, May 4th, 4-10pm. 

Arbor Day at the Scott Arboretum on Saturday, April 27th from 10am - 1pm. We will be giving away free trees (one per family while supplies last), and have fun educational stations for children around trees. There will be a scavenger hunt and a book walk. Come out and enjoy our springtime gardens! This is a free event and no registration is required. More information can be found here: 24-APR-24

Darby Creek Valley Association's Annual Watershed Wide Clean Up - Saturdays in April. Each spring since 1984 the Darby Creek Valley Association hosts a watershed-wide clean up event focusing on removing trash, tires, and other debris from regional waterways. During this event, volunteers work together to clean up sites located throughout the watershed. 11-APR-24

GIVE KIDS A SMILE - Plan on Joining us for Our Next Event on Friday, May 31, 2024 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; 18-MAR-24

Community Service Hours for the St. Denis Fun Fair. Key days are Saturday, April 27th, Sunday, April 28th, and Sunday, May 12th. The QR code will take you directly to our Sign-Up Genius. 18-MAR-24

Soaring for a Cause April 4th from 5 - 7:00pm - All proceed go toward the EAGLES AUTISM FOUNDATION. Activities Including Obstacle Courses, Special Eagles Training Courses, Food & Drinks, Special Guest Appearances, Raffle Items and Prizes; 19-MAR-24

School' Out: Spring Break Wednesday, March 27th 9:30am - 12pm at the Scott Arboretum at Swarthmore College. Drop by the Scott Arboretum on your day off from school to learn and play outside! Complete a floral themed craft and go on a scavenger hunt throughout our unique spaces. Bring a picnic and enjoy spending the day outside at the Arboretum! This is a free, drop-in program and no registration is required. It is designed for children ages 3 to 12 with a caregiver. 18-MAR-24

Academic Coaching I College Admissions Your trusted ally for academic support - AcademicAlly, LLC; 18-MAR-24

Free Spring Break Camp on March 29th at Haverford Reserve - Learn to play Ireland’s favorite sports! Gaelic Football • Hurling • Camogie. Delco Gaels; 07-Mar-24

43rd Annual Evening of Jazz - Friday, April 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the Haverford High School Auditorium.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at (search “Haverford Jazz”). This wonderful night of music features the Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band, and Jazz Combo from Haverford High School, and the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Fords from Haverford Middle School. We are pleased to welcome Philadelphia saxophonist Ron Kerber, our 2024 Jazz
Artist-in-Residence, who will perform with all of the ensembles. The evening includes raffles, concessions, and more! All proceeds support the Haverford Jazz Program. 07-Mar-24

Panda Softball Easter Egg Hunt - Decorate your lawn with Easter eggs; 07-Mar-24

Winter Wonderland, Monday, February 19 , 9:30 am - 12:00 pm at Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College
Complete nature crafts and explore the arboretum with a scavenger hunt! Children ages 3 -12 with caregiver
Free, Drop-in Event Registration Not Required; 15-Feb-24

Delco Gaels - Free Interest Session for Irish Sports
Attendees will learn about & play two Irish sports, Gaelic football and hurling.

Ages 3-7: Springfield YMCA, 194 W. Sproul Rd, Springfield, PA 19064 (on second floor near pickleball courts)
Friday, February 2nd & 9th, 6:00 - 6:45 PM
Ages 8-15: Starfinder Foundation, 4015 Main St, Philadelphia, PA 19127 (use side entrance)
Saturday, February 3rd & 10th; Ages 8-11 y/o --> 6:00 - 7:30 PM

The Big Umbrella - Meet author Amy June Bates and get your book signed! Wednesday, April 10th at 6PM at Chestnutwold Elementary School. Free community event. Register and order books at; 15-Feb-24

2024 Gene Capaldi Lens on Litter Photo Contest--40th Anniversary: Amateur students (through 12th grade) and adults are asked to submit photos of unusual or unsightly litter in their Pennsylvania communities by the October 31st deadline.  Photos should demonstrate how litter threatens public health and safety, scenic beauty, property values, the environment, pets or wildlife.  Entries will be judged on six criteria: anti-litter message, originality, photographic technique, quality of photo, originality of title and severity of the litter. Questions may be directed to and additional information, previous winners, sponsors and an online entry form can be found at Lens on Litter Contest - PRC; 06-Jan-24

Pennsylvania Career Link: This is a career pathway information session that will take place in Media on 1/18/24. UPS will be giving a presentation called Think Outside the Box in which youth will learn about emerging careers using Drones, Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, etc. Meet potential employers and explore future worksites. January Featured Employer - UPS; 16-JAN-23

Kumon Math & Reading Center of Havertown: Kumon Learning Centers and 2023 Parents Guide; 18-DEC-23

Spilove Psychotherapy Information Session: February 1, 2024 @12:00PM via Zoom: These trainings will focus on vital topics such as eating disorders, body image, and nutrition.05-DEC-23

Opioid Epidemic Information Session: What Parents Need to Know: December 7, 2023 from 5:00pm-6:30pm
The Nemours Children's Community Health Education team is hosting a virtual education session for parents and teachers in Delaware County, PA to talk about opioid use and prevention. This session will Include resources for those using substances and Information regarding the dangers of fentanyl. 05-DEC-23

Mental Health Resources Fair 11/17/23 CHILD GUIDANCE RESOURCE CENTER; 14-NOV-23

HMS PTO is running a spirit wear sale from now until 11/7; 02-NOV-23 

School's Out: Falling For Fall - November 7th from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College 
Complete nature related activities and enjoy a fun morning at the Arboretum! 02-NOV-23

The Hunter Hoops Tune Up Tuesdays basketball clinic - November 7-December 5 Will be taking place on 5 consecutive Tuesday evenings starting on November 7th and ending on December 5th. The goal of this clinic is to support kids in sharpening their skill-set to get ready for the upcoming basketball season.To register, please click here. If anyone has any questions about the clinic, they can reach out to us at 26-OCT-23 

FORDS Fight For Life - Friday, October 6, 2023 The FORDS will suit up in honor of an individual, an organization, or someone who deserves recognition for a life changing struggle. Join the Havertown community immediately following the football game to celebrate our honorees. 29-SEPT-23

After School Good News Club at Chatham Park Elementary is an exciting, fun-filled weekly club for kids in which the Bible is clearly taught with songs, stories, games; 29-SEPT-23

Adult Life Long Learning - Haverford Township Adult School; 29-SEPT-23

Give Kids Sight Day - Free Eye screening and Glasses - Saturday, October 7th, 8am-1pm at Wills Eye Hospital; 21-SEPT-23

When Trauma Hits Home: Addressing Trauma's Impact on Children and Families - PARENTS, CAREGIVERS & FAMILY MEMBERS: First Wednesday of each month • 7:00-8:00 pm • Begins October 4, 2023 - August 7, 2024; 22-SEPT-23

Autumn Equinox: Saturday, September 23rd,  3-7pmBring the family to celebrate the first day of fall at the Scott Arboretum! Enjoy live music and a picnic, make a nature-based craft, play games with family and friends, and learn from plant experts. The Autumn Equinox Celebration is a great outdoor event to celebrate the start of fall.

School's Out: October 9 and November 7th, 9:30am - 12pm - FREE Free Nature Programming for children and their caregivers!; 22-SEPT-23

  • October 9th: Indigenous Peoples Day: Learn about the Lenape people who first inhabited our land, go on a scavenger hunt to find native trees and complete a craft! 
  • November 7th: Falling for Fall: Drop by the Scott Arboretum on your day off school to learn about the changes that occur throughout the fall in nature. 

Feztival of Trees and Lights - November 16-19th, LuLu Shrine Center; 22-SEPT-23