
The district reviews and refines the practice of environmental sustainability and deploying alternative fuel vehicles in transportation operations annually. In 2016, the School District of Haverford Township became one of two school districts in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, to utilize school buses fueled and powered by liquid propane in its fleet. Today, the District boasts the most significant green fleet of propane-powered buses in Delaware County, Pennsylvania (58). There are currently only 4 school buses operated in the fleet that utilize diesel as their primary fuel source. Our hope is to replace those during the summer of 2025 to have 100% alternative fuel school buses in its fleet. Haverford has been recognized throughout Pennsylvania for its commitment to utilizing clean fuels in transportation.

  • The School District of Haverford Township is one of several commonwealth districts that actively utilizes the Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation to seek alternative fuel grants, rebates, and an alternative fuel excise tax credit. Propane maintenance savings can be up to 50% per bus.

  • Maintenance savings for propane can be up to 50 percent per bus. These savings include less oil during changes and filter replacements, as well as costs per gallon of propane. Haverford Transportation maintains and improves the operation of the propane fueling facility. An 18,000-gallon tank is located at the bus park.

  • Propane's low carbon and oil contamination characteristics may result in longer engine life. Propane performs well in cold weather climates because the fuel's mixture (propane and air) is entirely gaseous when it enters the combustion chamber. This factor allows propane-powered vehicles to avoid many cold-start issues associated with using diesel.