
The School District of Haverford Township is a suburban community encompassing 10 square miles located in southeastern Pennsylvania, bordering the city of Philadelphia.  There are presently over 49,000 people residing in Haverford Township. Haverford Township Parks and Recreation Department offers many sports for a variety of ages all year round. The township community library is a major literacy center with programs for children, teenagers, and adults. Organizational resources available to the School District of Haverford Township include but are not limited to: Rotary and Optimist Clubs and the Haverford Township School District Educational Foundation. Haverford, which is a member of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and the Main Line Chamber of Commerce, maintains partnerships with local universities and colleges, businesses, service organizations, realtors, community groups, and senior citizen organizations.

The School District of Haverford Township is comprised of seven schools: one high school, one middle school, and five elementary schools. Approximately 6,625 students attend District schools. The School District of Haverford Township offers many opportunities for students in academics, art and music, service organizations, and athletics.

Haverford Township is a sought-after residential community where multiple generations of families reside.

Please see our 2023-24 State of the District publication that highlights the district's exceptional work.

Enrollment Projections/Demographic Analysis

District and Student Overview

1 to 1 Chromebook Initiative

150 Extra-curricular clubs/activities

47% of students participate in music

20 Instruments studied

27 High School athletic teams

18 National Merit Scholars

30 Advanced Placement Courses

42 Honors Courses

90.6% of faculty hold advanced degrees

94% of students continue their post-secondary education 

Quick Facts

* The School District of Haverford Township placed on the College Board’s 10th Annual AP ® District Honor Roll. We are one of 250 school districts in the U.S. and Canada to reach this achievement.

* Chestnutwold Elementary School is a National School of Character. The program recognized Chestnutwold’s use of character development to drive a positive impact on academics, student behavior, and the school climate.  

* The Haverford High School HI-Q academic quiz team is a three-time national champion. 

* The School District of Haverford Township has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education.

* Haverford Middle School has been recognized for its outstanding commitment to visual arts education with the endorsement of the Outstanding Visual Arts Community.

* Haverford High School was selected as a "National Banner Unified Champion School" by Special Olympics.

* Dr. Jeffrey Nesbitt, K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Coordinator, was named the Science Administrator of the Year by the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association.

* Haverford High School Boys basketball coach, Keith Heinerichs, was selected as a 2021-2022 PIAA/NFHS  Coach of the Year.

* Haverford Middle School Assistant Principal Matthew D. Crater was named Pennsylvania’s Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year by the Pennsylvania Principals Association.

*Haverford bus driver Jim O’Toole took first place in the state’s annual School Bus Driver Safety Competition.

* Lynnewood Elementary School was named a Promising School of Character for building community with its Bigs and Littles Program

* There are Best Buddies chapters at both the Middle School and High School. Students involved in Best Buddies learn to create and foster lifelong friendships, develop diverse leadership skills, advocate, motivate, and inspire their community.